Dog smells like fish | 7 reasons + solution [2024] – – Despertarmagia (2025)

The cause of a fishy smell in dogs depends largely on the affected area. The most common triggers are bacteria, fungi and an anal gland infection. But it can also be an indication of other illnesses.

Some of the more harmless causes of “eau de fish” include eating garbage, rolling around in feces, and poor dental hygiene.

Here is a rough overview:

Affected area:Possible cause:FurFungal infestation, poor hygiene, inflammationUrineUrinary tract infection, uterine inflammation, liver disease, kidney diseaseBreathCaries, upset stomach, tooth decay, diabetes, periodontitis, liver diseasePaws & EarBacterial inflammation, fungal infectionAfterAnal gland inflammationGenital organBacterial inflammation, fungal infectionStoolsIntestinal disease, reflux disease, parasites

Then let's go through the individual parts of the body together.

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#1 Fur

Some dogs' fur naturally smells stronger than others. This is primarily determined by the following factors:

  • race
  • Gender
  • Old
  • feed
  • hygiene
  • wrinkles [1]

Many water dogs, for example, have significantly oilier fur. This means they can spend longer periods of time even in cold water. But at the same time it also stinks more.

Just as dirt can accumulate much more easily in very wrinkled dogs such as bulldogs and Shar-Peis.

A fishy smell, on the other hand, is almost always caused by the accumulation of bacteria. Possible causes for this are:

  • Fungal infestation
  • Poor hygiene
  • Bathing too often
  • Skin inflammations

If the smell is caused by poor hygiene, then a special dog shampoo like this one from Amazon will help. It should be gone in no time.

In the case of a fungal infection, there are usually other symptoms such as reddish skin, severe itching and flaky skin. [2]

A combination of special shampoos and medication is usually used for treatment. The vet can help with this.

If the dog's fur smells like fish, this is usually due to fungal infestation or poor hygiene. In both cases, special shampoos can help. In serious cases, medication is also necessary.

#2 Urine

Although dogs' diets differ significantly from ours, their urine composition is very similar to ours.

However, if there is an existing urinary tract infection, both the urine and the genital organ itself can take on a fishy smell.

An accumulation of bacteria is also responsible for this. Other typical symptoms include:

  • Cloudy or bloody urine
  • Sudden incontinence
  • Constant licking between legs
  • Whining when urinating [3]

Urinary tract infections are one of the most common complaints in dogs. According to studies, they make up around 14% of all visits to the vet. [4]

Incidentally, female dogs are affected by this much more often than male dogs. In male dogs, the urethra is longer, making it harder for bacteria to penetrate.

Antibiotics are usually used for treatment. The inflammation and the fishy smell should disappear within a few days. [5]

In addition, it can also be a uterine infection in bitches. Typical symptoms of this are:

  • Unusual discharge
  • indifference
  • Stooped posture
  • Loss of appetite [6]

In the vast majority of cases, castration is recommended for treatment. Because around 75% of all dogs get the same inflammation again. [7]

In very rare cases, a fishy urine smell can also be due to liver and kidney diseases. Here you should consult the vet immediately.

If your dog's urine smells like fish, then it is usually a urinary tract infection or uterine infection. Female dogs are affected comparatively more often than male dogs. Treatment here depends on the severity.

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#3 Breath

If the dog food or treats contain fish, your breath will smell like it after eating. Other possible causes include:

  • Tooth decay and tooth decay
  • Upset stomach
  • Supplementation with fish oil
  • Eating garbage and feces
  • Diabetes (“diabetes”)
  • Liver diseases
  • Inflammation of the gums (“periodontitis”)
  • Fish remains between the teeth

In most cases, the smell is due to a lack of dental care. According to studies, a whopping 84% of all dogs are affected by periodontitis. [8]

Typical symptoms of this are:

  • Brown-yellow layer on the teeth
  • Red swollen gums
  • Fishy and foul breath
  • Larger amounts of tartar

A dog toothpaste from Amazon like this can help with treatment. Simply apply to a standard toothbrush and gently brush your teeth and gums.

Dental care toys are also ideal for prevention. You can find great products such as this dental care ball from just €4 on Amazon.

If your dog not only has fishy breath, but also burps and gets flatulence more often, then food allergies could also be behind it. [9]

In this case, a high-quality hypoallergenic food will help. Before choosing, however, you should first do an allergy test to identify the allergens.

If your dog's breath smells like fish, food allergies or poor dental hygiene are usually responsible. This can be remedied relatively easily with dental care products and a change in food.

#4 Paws & Ear

If there is a smell of rotten food or even fish on the dog's ear or between its paws, then bacterial or fungal infections are usually responsible.

It is often triggered by inadequate drying after bathing. Water dogs and dogs with floppy ears in particular are often affected.

Typical symptoms here are:

  • Redness in the ear
  • Frequent shaking of the head
  • Crusty skin
  • Constant scratching
  • swelling in the ear [10]

For treatment, the vet first takes a sample from the ear to find out whether it is a fungal infection or a bacterial infection.

While a fungal infection is usually treated with creams, antibiotics are preferred for bacterial infections. [11]

The only important thing is that you act quickly. If left untreated, these infections can lead to permanent hearing damage.

A fishy smell on the ear or paws is usually caused by bacteria or fungi. While the symptoms of this are relatively similar, a diagnosis is crucial to treatment. The veterinarian should therefore be consulted here.

#5 After

Dogs have scent glands on the left and right of their butt – the so-called “anal glands”. These are filled with a yellow-gray liquid that smells like fish.

By the way, this is also the reason why dogs sniff each other's butts. This secretion contains pheromones, which give dogs a variety of information about their gender and willingness to mate.

Normally, these glands only empty during bowel movements. However, severe anxiety or stress can cause the smelly substance to leak out even in everyday life. [12]

Simple wiping is usually enough here. You can also squeeze the anal glands for a more thorough cleaning. You can find instructions on YouTube.

In some cases, these glands can also become inflamed. Here too it manifests itself in a fishy smell. In addition, you usually experience the following symptoms:

  • Constant licking on the bottom
  • Groaning when defecating
  • Dog slides his butt along the floor
  • Hardening or swelling of the anus
  • Blood in the stool

Small dog breeds are affected more often than larger dogs. It also affects overweight dogs and four-legged friends with food allergies more often. [13]

For treatment, the anal glands are usually emptied manually by the veterinarian. Antiseptic creams and antibiotics are also often used for inflammation.

In extreme cases, the glands may need to be emptied every few weeks or even surgically removed. However, this is relatively rare. [14]

The anal glands are usually responsible for a fishy smell in the anus. When there is a lot of stress or inflammation, they secrete a very foul-smelling secretion. Treatment includes emptying the glands, thorough cleaning and antiseptic creams.

#6 sexual organ

If the fishy smell occurs between a female dog's legs, then it could also be vaginitis – an inflammation of the female genital organ.

It is usually triggered by bacteria or a fungal disease. Unneutered female dogs are more commonly affected.

The most common signs include:

A combination of bathing twice a day, antiseptic creams and antibiotics is usually recommended for treatment. [16]

The symptoms and the smell should disappear within a few days. It most commonly occurs in young female dogs after their first period.

A fishy smell from a female dog's genitals can indicate bacterial inflammation or fungal infection. In both cases, special creams and anti-inflammatory medications help.

#7 Bowel movements

If your dog's feces suddenly take on a fishy smell without a previous fish meal, there could be several possible reasons:

  • intestinal diseases
  • Parasites
  • Dog ate garbage
  • Reflux disease

Reflux disease is a chronic disease in which some stomach acid constantly flows into the esophagus. This becomes very irritated.

Typical symptoms here are:

  • Constant licking of the mouth
  • Loss of appetite
  • Feces smelling like fish
  • Constant coughing [17]

If this is a permanent condition, you should urgently see a doctor. This will usually take a stool sample to find out the cause.

In some cases, an abdominal ultrasound may also be necessary. Treatment is then based on the underlying causes. [18]

If your dog's stool smells like fish, several diseases of the gastrointestinal tract could be responsible. The veterinarian should be consulted immediately for diagnosis and treatment.

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Dog smells like fish | 7 reasons + solution [2024] – – Despertarmagia (2025)
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